Kissing Consciousness is the simplest approach to unlocking personal success on the planet.
In any given moment we are either in a state of self-acceptance or self-constriction. Self-constriction is a False Self state which blocks and prevents our genuine choice and free will.
This state is characterised by lack of confidence, self-doubt, frustration and the illusion of choice. But these blocks can be released. Kissing Consciousness is a conscious living movement which is here to help you turn the self-constrictions into self-allowance and the fulfilment and choice that comes with it.
We have a tool kit of questions and simple practices to deal with anything that prevents us from being true to ourselves and fulfilling our potential. As these practices and principles are universal, they can be applied to any aspect of life, from happiness and mental health to body and physical health, from love and relationships to business, career and money. The applications of Kissing Consciousness are essentially limitless.
Oh yes, the name! It’s from the acronym, ‘Keep it simple, stupid’ (KISS).