

­­­­Hi I’m James,

 Can you find an audience for a seminar? If so I have an offer for you. 

A partnership. I’ll deliver a one or two day personal development seminar – you bring the audience. We split the profits 50:50. 

Be assured I’ll deliver a high quality presentation and look after your guests. 

I’ve been practicing boundaries exercises since 2010 and teaching them since 2015. I value treating people with respect and providing a safe space. 

VIDEO: FIONA: “It’s an awareness of what James is able to be, and what some people aren’t able to be.” [From our Boundaries Exercise, with visuals of the exercise before this, over my previous words above]

I’ve been leading personal development seminars since 2013, in the UK and in Europe. Here’s what a couple of attendees had to say. 

VIDEO: HAYLEY: “I found it absolutely invaluable. As someone who’s been on lots of training courses, led training courses, around the world, I think it’s one of those that are up there as one of the best ones, actually.” [9 seconds] 

VIDEO: NANNA: “What is love and what is compassion and how you can feel it inside your body and combining it I think it’s really interesting.” 

HAYLEY: “It’s enable me to integrate the knowledge and the experience and the awareness that I’ve got and take it to another level, er, without all of the analysis that I would have done before, and as I say that I smile ‘cos I feel lighter even just thinking about that.” [24 seconds] 

I’m the Founder of Kissing Consciousness, a conscious living movement, and author of the Kissing Consciousness Handbook. I’ve been on the radio a few times, too.

 VIDEO: PIPPA: “I’m joined this morning by James Blacker, he’s a wisdom coach.” 

DERMOT: “And I’m delighted to welcome my third guest, James Blacker, who’s just arrived in the studio; James, Good morning! [ME: How you doing, Dermot?” [10 seconds]

 There’s plenty more on my website, too. [link to the homepage]

 So if you can find an audience we can do this and it’s a win:win. Please call me on 07758 351 527 and let’s talk.

 [link to the homepage]




 Hi, I’m James, 

Have you wondered what you’re capable of, and what’s really possible for you in this life? 

You might have noticed that modern cultures don’t support your ability to thrive. 

We’re conditioned to live from our heads. But we are embodied beings and we hold memories, including all the bad ones, in our bodies. 

Video intro with music 

People have asked me what I mean by Kissing Consciousness. K.I.S.S. is an acronym for ‘Keep it Simple, Stupid’. I say ‘stupid’ because that conditioning which keeps us out of our bodies closes off our access to a key source of wisdom, making us far stupider than we need to be. 

ON SCREEN TEXT: Restoring connection is healing. 

To join me at a ‘Claim Your Life’ event please sign up and I’ll see you there.




Kissing Consciousness, Potten End, Herts, HP4 2SH. United Kingdom


Copyright Kissing Consciousness. All Rights Reserved.